Oh, wait, this is happening? ARGGH! |
Being Children of The
Game, I am sure you will all agree with me that our hobby takes time.
I am sure you will also agree with me, that finding time for it can
be difficult, especially as you get older and have more
'responsibilities'. In the spirit of this, every Tuesday we make time
to run our club at a local school hall, which Sgt Slaughter has
connections with.
So this being said, you can imagine our
annoyance this week when we discovered that the school had decided
to put on an 'impromptu' play. I say 'impromptu' as we hadn't been told
about it, so I am assuming they had obviously just decided to pop up a
set and let a group of suspiciously well choreographed kids sing and
dance on the stage. This fiasco left 30 odd unhappy geeks pottering
around outside, mumbling to each other about the price of magic cards
and whether they should put on their own play, with lazers, and tanks and
milkshakes (geek moans are hard to filter, so I tend to just hear
what I want).
I hear you ask, what's
the point Zombie? Well, as it happened Sgt Slaughter has enough room
for a 8” x 4” board at his barracks, so the OB team went round
and played a filthy 2,250 point, 3 v 3. That's the point!