Thursday, 14 August 2014

Critical Engagement The photos.

I could use an obscure 1940s noir reference here, but I won't because I'm better than that. 
So after a busy few weeks (Cough nearly a month) I finally get round to writing up the blog post in which I talk about our Tournament. Plus show you some photos taken by myself.

Critical Engagement, if you haven't read the other threads by Zombiestate et al, was a one day three game tournament held in the School hall of Our Lady Immaculate in Tolworth, Surrey, UK. We held in conjunction with an X-wing tournament on the same day. We had 10 attendees for the DZC tournament and a great time was had by all.

I played three great opponents and played three different factions as well, which was a breath of fresh air for competitive play I can tell. Never have I seen a game where all the factions are so well balanced that no particular faction becomes the one to beat. So without further ado a few pictures of the event.

We have some awesome scenery that Mega Mike Picked up from the guys over at  including the nifty little car park, and the awesome Monorail station that you can see here. I really like their stuff and look forward to picking some up for myself, importantly they get away from the square blocks that so typify the DZC terrain at the moment (not that that's a bad thing but fifty games in you need some variety).

Glad we could make at least one guy happy!
Couldn't make this guy happy though.

I may have leaped from behind something to get a pure reaction shot for this.

Obligatory crowd shot.

More of Blotzs' stuff.

My UCM in action. That small building proved useful trust me.

Zombiestates lovely Shaltari army. 

More of my UCM.

This army looks a lot nicer in person than my crappy photography can show, trust me.

Game 1 My Sabres drop into action. 
Mega Mikes Scourge impression impressed noone.

His shame knew no bounds and he retreated from public life afterwards.
After some really great games we had some winners and some losers, here are the pics of the ceremony and prize giving.

Pete Corp best PHR Player at the tournie.

Mega Mike best Scourge player.

Zombiestate best Shaltari player.

Nicolas Gaillat most sporting player, and a damn nice fellow he is.

Alex Randall winner of best painted army.

Stephen Downes wooden spoon award,
the dice gods did not look upon him favourably.
Fair play to him though he kept smiling.

Zombiestate overall winner of best general.

Pete Corps enjoying himself at something.
I won best UCM general at the event but I hate selfies so didn't take one of myself winning, nor did I hand over my very expensive camera for someone else to take, because I'm paranoid.

Fantastic day over all and we hope to do it again very soon, so keep an eye out on the blog and we shall let you know as soon as we have a date.

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