Monday, 10 October 2016

OB Podcast Episode 17: Out Of Hibernation parts 1 & 2

The titans have slept for what seems like a thousand years, but an unknown voice causes them to awaken, and as they stand the rust caking their joints cracks and shatters, causing orange rain to fall down onto those below. It's lucky OB Towers came with umbrellas (branded brollys of course), so us boys don't get covered in that rusty, rusty rain and ruin our lovely grey t-shirts.

Look, I'm not doing a very good job of it, I'm just trying to say that we're back. Good, right, that's done, grand.

Our latest instalment features exciting topics such as sweating in a bag, Invasion, a Wild West Mike, R:P2 mission and unit opinions, and an unusually chatty Joe.

All sounds effects used in the Orbital Bombardment Podcast are from


  1. Where do I go to download. . .

    1. I think Soundcloud has changed recently, and you have to go to their site and download it from there which is frustrating. Alternatively there is iTunes!

    2. Go directly to the soundcloud site. You can download from there.

    3. Download button is back - whoop whoop

  2. Your unit predictions haven't been 100% accurate??

    All I know is a lie...

    1. 60% of the time we are right ALL the time!

  3. Some good points there about the meta and buildings. Buildings dropping in a few activations isn't fun IMO.

    1. I hope that Hawk one day adopts the 40 DP buildings in tournaments...
      Don't know why they haven't already done so.

    2. Hey Sword, I think the majority of us agree. All objective critical buildings should be hardened and 40 points.
      Obviously there will still be falling masonry, but at least that can be mitigated a little by most armies (Resistance being the ones that can't, but they have quantity so suffer less)

    3. The con pack is out for the LVO, first weekend in February, it's an official Hawk publication, and it has Large buildings listed as being 30 points. Don't know whether that's just copy-&-paste laziness, or they want large buildings to be 30 points still.

      The con pack still references a non-existent Tournament Pack for the possible missions, too... :-(

    4. I'm not surprised about the 30 dp buildings, they'll need to have an internal chat about the ramifications and how upping dp would change the meta, and they haven't had a lot of spare time recently.

      What is disappointing is the reference of the old pack. It seems lazy, or at least complacent.

      P.s. I'm all better now. That night I had the worst fever I've had for 10 years!

    5. Sorry you had a bad night, but glad to hear you're feeling better now! I was concerned!

  4. Great podcast, guys, maybe your best, IMHO, or at least the best in recent memory (such as that is).

    Dan, you sound terrible! Hope you don't get the relapse that it sounded like you were fighting all cast...

    However, having said that, the sound quality was Magnificent! Great job, TechBoy, with the new gear. Really easy on the ears to listen to. Looking forward to more even more now.

    I haven't checked the Errata, but I'm pretty sure that it's just command aircraft that can score on FPs and CLs, not an aircraft that you've put a CV on... Need to check that, but I've got an early morning...

    Had to split my listening up over 2 nights. I like the length when it's got such great discussions of units, missions, tournament games, etc, so don't be shy to do them this long in the future. It's not your fault I stayed up too late listening to the entire discussion about the Overseer last night and then couldn't get up in the morning and was late for work... Oh, wait, yes it was! LOL!

    I had more to say (as usual) but now can't think of what it was (you're welcome)...

    Oh, one thing, about the Medusa -- The reason we're a bit chapped about her changes is that it was one nerf too many. She needs to come down 10 points. It's way too easy in something like Domination for her to just jump in a building and generate 200 points towards claiming that quarter, etc. I can live with her being E6, but she shouldn't have gone up in points AND gotten the nerf to her E, just like the Hazard Suits shouldn't have been double-nerfed.

    And, no, I didn't have any Stealth Missiles to give up to recover the points that the Valkyries went up, so ALL of my PHR lists became invalid and had to be completely retooled, just like my UCM lists. :-(

    OK, now I'll stop. Thanks for the podcast!

    (...about bloody time...)


    1. Oh, and Joe -- Very insightful! I thought most of your points were spot on. There needs to be some controversial comments to stir things up a bit, get a really lively discussion going. I think you were the catalyst for this whole podcast being a excellent as it was. Nicely done!

  5. Similar problem JD, No Stealth missile discard's for me either sadly :(

    I did agree with you on the Medusa, but have since changed my mind. She is an infantry unit now and should be used as such, and in that role is a supremely versatile fast moving Infantry unit in a upgunned transport (yet still fast enough to get about without it in a pinch). She doesn't do what she used to do any more, but in the world of R2 I think she's worth her points for her new role.

  6. To stop ‘Drive on Commander’ take away the ability for ground vehicles to shoot if they drive on in adition to the movement penalty. So many benefits.

    1. Incremental fixe to shaltari 'walk on with few gates' no take problem.
    2. Keeps flex list building. Can still use walk on to trim points but it costs to walk on.
    3. Turn 1 (and 2) demo bullshit ends (and shorter range demo units are better).


    1. Scourge are the only ones who have "shorter range demo units", so it's really only better for them...

      Is that a good thing for the game overall? Or does it penalize everyone else?

      Just askin'... Opine...

    2. I like that idea, but it doesn't make thematic sense that they can't fire (completely sensible as a game mechanic though)
      Scourge are't the only short range demo, Resistance have their fair share of short range demo too - Meh-med and Thunderstorms.
      I wouldn't penalise aircraft flying on though, so there will still be some demo available to all armies (apart from Scourge) with units like Eagles/Falcons, Njords, Typhoons/Cyclones, Firedrake/Ronin/Thunderbird??

    3. The thing is, Scourge are the only ones where ALL of their demo is short-ranged. Yes, other factions have some short ranged demo, but all of the Scourge's demo is short ranged...

  7. I finally got around to listening to this, good to hear y’all again.

    For the Broadswords gun i’ve been liking the idea of giving it a flechette round with Barrage 3 or 4 but prohibiting indirect fire. That way you avoid the single shot syndrome and encourage a bruiser role since it wants to be close for maximum effect.

    I agree with your concerns about the Overseer and even more so that it’s great to see a buffing leadership role in the game. Buff and debuff mechanics make a game feel more interactive to me and give a greater sense of agency.

    For potential interactions with the command deck i think it would be nice if different command units could alter it like famous ones. Pack a few cards with the Overseer and give it a rule that says “take these out, put these in”

    Also i think changing the Ferrum into something similar could solve a lot of problems.
    Make it command slot, tone the missiles on the drones down to be identical to the dropship ones.
    Give the drones a short range debuff and a short range buff, hopefully offering interesting decisions whether to put them near enemy or friendly units.

    And hell, if any unit visually screams command and control it’s the Ferrum.

    Oh, and did you guys see any Crossbows at Invasion? Or did i just miss that?

  8. I wouldn't be against seeing the Ferrum as a command unit, but I am wary if introducing a deck building mechanic.

    I didn't see any Crosbows :/

    1. I'd be wary of any mechanic that let's the player directly optimize their deck but i don't see much of a problem with command options modifying the deck. Otherwise the deck has to work with all commanders and all commanders have to work with the deck, severely limiting what cards and abilities you can put in. Plus the fabulous commanders already do exactly that, even if it's not for balance purposes.

      And welp, i like the idea of the crossbows but i'm still unsure of their real life usefulness.
