Saturday, 28 February 2015

The Spoils of War

'Hey Terry, how long did it take you to finish cleaning your windows?'
Every now and then when I pass a building site of one kind or another, or offer to help with / am forced into manual labour or decorating I think to myself “I could have done this for a job, rather than sitting inside and orchestrating an office. Being in the great outdoors, and constructing the very things that make a house or home.”

Well if 4ground buildings are anything to go by I would have lost patience for the art of labour a long time ago, and could be working in a McDonalds by now.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

World Champion MegaMikes Invasion Day 2

Day 2 was certainly sponsored by Red Bull!
So Day 2, 2 games to go and I'm trailing the leaders by a few points thanks to a draw in game 3. In this post I will talk through my last 2 games and some conclusions on my army

Sunday, 22 February 2015

World Champion MegaMike's Invasion Day 1

As you may have heard, I won Invasion. I F**KING WON!!!!! Yippeeeeeeeeee

Someone needs to buy me this!! Zombie, are you seeing this?

Oh and I'm sticking with World Champ. Invasion certainly had a global feel to it ;-)

Invasion was awesome as usual. There were more players than there have ever been, plus a new faction to worry about. I met some old friends and made some new ones too. 

In this post I will talk through my games, where my army worked, where it lacked (if it did) and also how I feel about Shaltari winning again.

Friday, 20 February 2015

OB Podcast Episode 4.5: Postvasion

The much anticipated, exonerated, accelerated, exfoliated, incinerated, enunciated, deliberated, emaciated... I've forgotten where I was going with this...

Oh that's right, podcast episode 4.5 is here for all of you who seek to hear some whimsical tales of battle!

Monday, 16 February 2015

On Getting a Really Kick Ass Job

Unless there's no tea. Don't work anywhere where there's no tea. That would be silly.

So I’ve been fairly quiet of late. Missives on Shaltari awesome and loving flame weapons* aside, I’m usually fairly tight lipped, mostly because my previous job involved long hours and little time to write, but also because the other gents are a) more interesting to listen to** and b) very often in closer proximity to each other*** because they all live in south-er South West London than I do, being in more westerly South West London.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Trying to stop the Invasion!

Turn 6 last move to remaining focal point!
As the dust has settled tonight after Invasion, I thought it was best to get what's in my mind from this year's experience, while its still fresh. Well my resistance experience or lack off, who knows? you decide.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

A Year Old And Stronger Than Ever

'Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us, happy birthday Team OB, happy birthday to us!'

Can you believe how time flies?! It only seems like a year ago that I turned to the guys and asked, “Do you fancy making a team blog?”- wait, it was a year ago... well that makes sense I guess...

That's right, we are one year (years? I'm not sure of the correct English) today! It's been a hell of a year Dropzone-wise and actual life-wise, and we are so happy that we were received well enough to gather the impetus to continue writing, and starting three months ago to talk too!

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Invasion day 2 and interview with Dave Lewis

The moment the Asylum empties
What a day, what a weekend.
We've all had a tremendous time. It was great to meet so many new and old faces. Big shout out to the guys over at DZC Sweden, it's a massive trip, they seemed to really enjoy the event too.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Invasion day 1

Hi all, this will be a running post of things happening at invasion this weekend. I will update it periodically during the weekend. Hopefully with how team ob are doing and a few pictures too

Results so far:
MegaMike - 2 wins and a draw 41pts
ZombieState - 3 wins 47 pts
Skull Sword - 2 wins and a draw 43pts
Edchopp - 2 wins and a loss 37 pts
Sgt Slaughter - 1 loss 2 draws 27pts

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Excitement and Trepidation

It's Wednesday afternoon, I can't concentrate on anything at work. At the moment all I'm thinking about is Invasion this coming weekend. For 15 years I have been a tournament gamer (never a "win at all costs" WAAC, gamer) of some sort or another.
It started when our gaming group discovered a smallish tournament in Oxstead called the Waaagh. This would be 3rd Edition 40k. For months we practiced hard, painted well and at the end of it we came away with all but 1 of the trophies on offer. It was brilliant, the atmosphere, the camaraderie.....the memories.

Since then I've been to tournaments every year, multiple times a year, for different games too. It's safe to say I really like tournament gaming.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

OB Podcast Episode 4: Prevasion

Bonjour, hallo, hola, hallå, and hello to all Dropzoners out there. It is with great delight that we give you our pre Invasion podcast or Prevasion podcast.

This time we talk about actual news from Hawk and some really exciting stuff coming out. We discuss our lists for the upcoming tournament and open day and we introduce the OBies.